Albion Empire Airways

Scenery for the 1930's Flying Boat Station at Orbetello, Tuscany, Italy for FS2002.

N42* 26.50'
E011* 12.74'

The FS2002 default scenery bears little resemblance to the real-world scenery, the lake has very little in common with reality and the picturesque town of Orbetello is not represented in any form.

Therefore, we have remodelled the lake and formed the tiny peninsular on which this beautiful town is situated. The flying boat station is also modelled in approximtaley the right position, as far as we can tell from the few contemporary photographs we could find.

The shape and density of the buildings of the town are merely representative and are made from the available default buildings in order to keep the hit on frame-rates to a minimum. Unfortunately the scenery is by necessity rather complex and there is an effect on frame-rates. Hopefully it will not be too terrible for most PC's and that you will be able to enjoy the characteristic flavour and colours of this lovely area of Tuscany.


You WILL need Gerrish Grey's Tree Library ( available from SurClaro) installed in your flight simulator files for this scenery to work.

Please unzip "" and install this scenery in the same way that you would install any other scenery.

Also unzip "" to a temporary folder. Inside the unzipped file *Orbetello Special Roof Colours" you will find two more files, one called "Red Roof" and the other called "Default Roof Colour".

Copy and paste the file "Default Roof Colour" into your FS main "Texture" folder. That means you will have a saved a copy of the original default colour for the roofs if you ever need to go back to them.

Now OPEN the folder "Red Roof" and copy and paste the two .bmp files (roof2 and roof3) directly into your FS main "Texture" folder. You will be asked if you want to overwrite these on "Yes".

Airports Menu:

Orbetello does NOT appear in the FS airports menu, even with the scenery installed.


We have given Orbetello a false NDB name and frequency (ORB 633kHz), to assist with navigation.


Orbetello station and its NDB will appear in FSNav if you run the Database Creator AFTER you have installed the scenery.

And thats flight simulator and fly to Orbetello.


A word to the wise...we have done our best to make a representative scenery of Orbetello. It is not an exact copy as given the number and complexity of the buildings in the real Orbetello it is doubtful that any PC currently available could cope with the demands of a perfect model of the town and station.
If you don't like this scenery, then just uninstall it and no worries.
If you do like it then please enjoy it in good health and with the best wishes of Albion Air Cargo.

Legal Things:

The usual conditions apply, this scenery was produced for the use of members of Albion Air Cargo. You are free to use it, but solely at your own risk. We accept no responsibility for any damage or detriment to your computer, files programs or other ancilliaties, either real or imaginary, from the use of these sceneries or files.

The scenery is freeware and must remain so. You are prohibited from making money or any form of profit from these sceneries, nor may you put it together on any CD or any form of package without the express permission of the author (thats me).

You may NOT upload these sceneries to any other site without the permission of the author (me again).

If in doubt, please e-mail me....I'm not unreasonable.


I would like to thank following authors for their excellent macros:
John Walker of Albion Scenery Design
John de Langristin

A special thanks to David Leung for his superb FSSC program, without which this scenery (and countless others) would not be possible.


All copyrights in respect of macros remain the property of the original authors. All other rights in respect of the sceneries remain with Albion Group of Airlines and Albion Air Cargo.

Les Jones
Albion Air Cargo
Albion Group of Airlines